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ZIMBABWE’S Office of the President and Cabinet – the highest office in the land – has been used to evade and avoid paying taxes, especially...
TODAY we finally launched our digital media platform in Harare operating as The NewsHawks, a new multichannel investigative journalism project (, established by a team of...
United States applied economics professor at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, Steve Hanke, says Zimbabwe’s annualised inflation rate is actually 431% and not 659.4%...
The Zimbabwe Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC) says government should liberalise the foreign exchange system and maintain the dual monetary arrangement – involving use of the Zimbabwean...
A FORMER captain in the Zimbabwe National Army, Solomon Ndlovu, who was wrongfully convicted of car theft, resulting in his dismissal from work and loss of...
ZIMBABWE Online Content Creators president Toneo Rutsito has bemoaned the onslaught on journalists and criminalisation of journalism by the Zimbabwean government. This follow an attack on...
ZIMBABWE second largest city, Bulawayo, is emerging as the country’s diarrhoea epicentre due to a devastating water shortage and a collapsing sewer reticulation system. Staff Writer...