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ON August 21, Zimbabwe’s Treasury produced a comprehensive self-assessment of the performance of the Transitional Stabilisation Programme(TSP). The TSP is the first of the three envisaged...
ZIMBABWE Online Content Creators president Toneo Rutsito has bemoaned the onslaught on journalists and criminalisation of journalism by the Zimbabwean government. This follow an attack on...
Zimbabwe Investment Notes Edition: Quarterly Date: October 2020 Issued by: Imara Asset Management Smoke and Mirrors! It has become increasingly difficult to analyse the economy by...
Zimbabwe’s telecom providers are facing a growing crisis as the dual effects of an ongoing economic meltdown and the COVID-19 outbreak hit hard. Economy in Turmoil...
THE TAIL WAGGING THE DOG By Ibbo Mandaza A FEW months ago, specifically on July 23, 2020, the SAPES Trust Policy Dialogue Forum on Zoom held...
Keith Silika I HAVE previously gone on several drinking sprees with the former deputy director of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO), Menard Muzariri. I was introduced...
IN the last few months, decorated human rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa—renowned around the world for battling injustice—has found herself under siege from the government. A magistrate’s...
ZIMBABWE second largest city, Bulawayo, is emerging as the country’s diarrhoea epicentre due to a devastating water shortage and a collapsing sewer reticulation system. Staff Writer...