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PROF. TAWANA KUPE Universities throughout history have shaped and have been shaped by catalytic developments in society, including scientific and technological revolutions, wars, colonialism, globalisation and...
MONO MUKUNDU/ JONATHAN MBIRIYAMVEKA IT takes years to build brands. Sadly, some musicians find it easy to copy from those who made it musically. But it...
ZIMBABWE should strengthen its minerals regulatory framework and ensure tighter border controls to plug gold smuggling. This worsening crisis is costing the country billions annually as...
A PAN-AFRICAN leader in the logistics IOT (Internet of Things) space, Fanset International, says it is poised for more innovations in future following its successful launch...
In the sands of the arena, gladiators embodying colonial and decolonial modes of thought are locked in academic combat, exchanging blows of disciplinary conquest, identity and...
ELLEN FUNGISAI CHIPANGO ELECTRICITY theft is a global challenge and Zimbabwe has not been spared. The country has lost up to 1 000km of power lines due to cable theft. The official...
THE Zimbabwean government’s efforts to increase access to treatment for obstetric fistula risk being totally undermined, unless there is simultaneous action to prevent new cases. Obstetric...
THE fact that Zimbabwe’s export basket is still dominated by primary commodities such as minerals is a clear sign that the country is not ready for...
MDC-T president Douglas Mwonzora (DM) has often been described as a sellout and likened to Rhodesia-Zimbabwe quisling Bishop Abel Muzorewa. Mwonzora, nicknamed “Mwonzorewa” by critics who...
BULAWAYO City Council (BCC) has no timeline for the lifting of its water-shedding regime after failing to meet the March deadline, blaming this on a combination...