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Zimbabwe’s telecom providers are facing a growing crisis as the dual effects of an ongoing economic meltdown and the COVID-19 outbreak hit hard. Economy in Turmoil...
THE TAIL WAGGING THE DOG By Ibbo Mandaza A FEW months ago, specifically on July 23, 2020, the SAPES Trust Policy Dialogue Forum on Zoom held...
Keith Silika I HAVE previously gone on several drinking sprees with the former deputy director of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO), Menard Muzariri. I was introduced...
IN the last few months, decorated human rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa—renowned around the world for battling injustice—has found herself under siege from the government. A magistrate’s...
ZIMBABWE second largest city, Bulawayo, is emerging as the country’s diarrhoea epicentre due to a devastating water shortage and a collapsing sewer reticulation system. Staff Writer...