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Zenzo Nyathi doing what he knows best on stage

Arts & Lifestyle

An Act of Man in the Warm Heart of Africa



ZENZO Nyathi, the prolific Zimbabwean stage actor, is set for a one-man play in Malawi. Titled An Act of Man, this hugely anticipated piece will be staged in bustling Lilongwe.


It is part of the Madsoc Theatre Summer Season programmer, hosted by Mwezi Arts. An Act of Man has a short run from 29 to 30 September with a potential show slated for Blantyre on 1 October 2023.

One not to be missed, An Act of Man is told through a zestful mix of storytelling, mime, dance and song. The one hander play adventurously interrogates the role that traditional knowledge systems and science play in a fast-changing world and in climate change intervention.

 Workshopped by Global Creative Collaborations and Ingxoxo Arts and Directed by Memory Kumbota, the play is a must watch for theatre lovers and all those who advocate for environment and climate change.

The Malawi tour is a collaborative partnership between the venue and the production company under Madsoc Theatre’s Network Platform.

The platform seeks to forge network between venues and theatre producers, agents and companies to collaborate in efforts to tour production within the region and continent.

With each step, Madsoc Theatre is geared to invite and host more companies from other nations while they also look forward to their season productions to broaden the performance and audience base.

The network also incorporates Theatre Festivals, lobbying them to organise and host touring productions beyond their festival dates or period. The objective is to initiate sustainable dynamics between thespians, venues and consumers of the theatre arts.

Theatre goers in the Warm Heart of Africa are in for a treat as Zenzo is set to deliver yet another memorable performance following his successful Premiere in Bulawayo and Harare and his recent tour of Eswatini.

 Bulawayo-based Nyathi is a Zimbabwean actor and a graduate of Amakhosi Performing Arts based in the country’s second largest city.

 He is also a stage performer, director and writer. He featured in more than a thousand performances in the past two decades.

Nyathi is the founder and the managing director of Ingxoxo Arts, based in Bulawayo.

He has directed Climate Smart Agriculture Theatre for Policy Advocacy pieces at both national and regional levels. He is a Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) champion trained in Climate Change Leadership and Policy Advocacy.

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