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Zinwa struggles to recover ZW$8bn from defaulters



THE Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa) is battling to recover ZW$8 billion from clients, including government ministries, mines and farm owners.


Zinwa’s corporate communications and marketing manager Marjory Munyonga told The NewsHawks this week that the non-payment of water bills had adversely affected the parastatal’s operations and its ability to sustain quality service.

Zinwa is a state-owned enterprise formed in 2000 in terms of the Zinwa Act (Chapter 20:25). The authority’s mandate is derived from the Zinwa Act and the Water Act (Chapter 20:24) and includes the provision of potable water to local authorities and government institutions that are not yet in a position to provide themselves.

 As of 30 September 2022, Zinwa had total of ZW$8 378 419 178.44 owed by its various clients.

‘‘Of this amount, ZW$2 351 839 052.08 (28% of the total debtor’s book) is owed by irrigators while some government ministries and departments account for ZW$2 009 154 090.91 (24%) of the amount owed,’’ said Munyonga in a written response to this publication.

Local authorities owe ZW$1 662 324 213.24 (20%) of the amount while agricultural estates owe pay ZW$414 699 876.03.

‘‘Domestic clients owe Zinwa a total amount of ZW$1 033 745 508.43 and mines account for ZW$289 456 337.42 while schools owe Zinwa ZW$137 025 274.31 and parastatals are accounting for ZW$190 757 762.89,’’ said Munyonga.

The parastatal is struggling to recoup what it is owed. ‘‘The authority is also taking various steps to recover these outstanding amounts, including through litigation, engaging the concerned clients and, as a last resort, discontinuing services,’’ said Munyonga.

On 1 November, the water authority increased tariffs for both raw and treated water by 35%.

The tariff review was in response to the rise in the cost of key water provision inputs including fuel, electricity, water treatment, chemicals and spares, as well as to ensure Zinwa sustainability, the authority said.

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