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Empowering youths: Collaboration with policymakers



THE active involvement of youth in shaping policies and decision-making processes is crucial for the progress and development of any economy and society.

Recognizing the potential of the younger generation and harnessing their energy, ideas, and perspectives can lead to innovative solutions and inclusive governance.

I am going to explore the significance of fostering collaboration between youth and policymakers, highlighting the benefits, challenges, and actionable steps towards effective engagement, especially in this election period.

Youth engagement holds immense importance for various reasons. Firstly, the fresh perspectives, creativity, and innovative ideas that young people bring to policy discussions can help address complex challenges and drive positive change.

By involving youth, policies can better reflect the needs and aspirations of younger generations, promoting inclusivity and equity. The unique experiences and perspectives of youth enable them to provide insights and propose solutions that might not have been considered by older generations. This diversity of thought is essential for robust and comprehensive policymaking processes.

Additionally, engaging youth in decision-making processes nurtures future leaders. When young people are given the opportunity to participate and contribute to policy development, they develop a sense of ownership and empowerment. This involvement instils leadership skills, critical thinking abilities, and a deep understanding of the policy landscape, which can shape their future roles as effective leaders and active citizens. By encouraging youth to take part in policymaking, we are investing in the long-term development and progress of Zimbabwe.

However, there are challenges that hinder effective collaboration between youth and policymakers. Limited access, lack of representation, and systemic biases often prevent youth from participating in decision-making platforms.

Many of our policies and institutions are structured in ways that exclude young people from actively engaging in meaningful discussions. Overcoming these barriers requires intentional efforts to create inclusive spaces where youth voices are heard, valued, and considered in the policymaking process. Policymakers must recognize the importance of youth participation and work towards breaking down these barriers by implementing measures that promote youth inclusion, such as establishing dedicated youth advisory boards or task forces.

Bridging the communication gap between youth and policymakers is crucial for meaningful collaboration. Often, policy documents and discussions are filled with technical jargon and complex language that may alienate or deter young people from actively engaging. To address this issue, policymakers should make efforts to communicate policy information in accessible and youth-friendly formats.

Using plain language, visual aids, and interactive platforms can ensure that young people understand policy issues and are able to contribute meaningfully to the discussions. It is essential to create an environment where youth feel comfortable expressing their ideas and opinions without fear of judgment or exclusion.

Recognizing and including diverse perspectives, interests, and backgrounds within the youth population is another challenge that policymakers need to address. Young people come from different socio-cultural, economic, and educational backgrounds, each with their unique experiences and concerns. To ensure effective youth engagement, policy makers must strive for diverse representation and inclusion. This can be achieved by actively reaching out to marginalised communities, involving youth from different sectors and regions, and considering the intersectionality of identities. By embracing this diversity, policies can become more comprehensive, equitable, and reflective of the needs and aspirations of all young people.

By involving youth, policies can better reflect the needs and aspirations of younger generations, promoting inclusivity and equity. The unique experiences and perspectives of youth enable them to provide insights and propose solutions that might not have been considered by older generations.

To achieve meaningful collaboration, several actionable steps can be taken. Establishing youth advisory boards or councils provides platforms for direct interaction between youth and policymakers, allowing young people to share their ideas and provide input. These platforms should be structured in a way that ensures the voices of youth are not merely tokenistic, but truly influential in shaping policies. Policymakers should actively seek the input of youth representatives and give weight to their recommendations during decision-making processes.

Capacity building and skills development programmes are essential to empower youth in policy engagement. Providing training, mentorship, and educational programmes that enhance the knowledge and skills of youth in policy analysis, advocacy, and leadership can equip them to engage more effectively. These initiatives can include workshops on policy formulation and implementation, training in public speaking and negotiation, and mentorship opportunities with experienced policymakers. By investing in the capacity development of young people, we are cultivating a generation of informed, skilled, and confident policy advocates.

Moreover, policymakers can support and integrate youth-led initiatives, projects, and organisations. These grassroots initiatives often address local issues and have a deep understanding of the challenges faced by their communities. By partnering with youth-led organisations, policymakers can tap into this valuable resource and incorporate their on-the-ground knowledge and expertise into policy development and implementation processes. Supporting youth-led initiatives also sends a strong message that the contributions of young people are valued and acknowledged.

Enhancing youth representation in decision-making bodies, consultative processes, and policy forums is crucial to ensure that their voices are heard and valued. It is essential to create mechanisms that enable young people to participate in the development, implementation, and evaluation of policies that affect them directly.

This can be achieved by advocating for youth quotas or reserved seats in decision-making bodies, establishing youth-led committees within existing policy structures, and actively seeking the input of youth in public consultations and hearings. By including young people at all levels of the policy-making process, we can ensure that policies are responsive, relevant, and effective in addressing the needs of the youth population.

Successful collaboration between youths and policymakers should serve as inspiration and demonstrate the positive outcomes of engaging youth in policymaking. For instance, youth involvement in climate  negotiations will be instrumental in raising awareness about environmental issues and advocating for more sustainable policies. Youth-driven social entrepreneurship initiatives will empower young people to address social challenges through innovative business models, while youth-led policy reforms will bring positive changes in various sectors, including education, healthcare, and social welfare.

Generally, collaboration between youth and policymakers is crucial for inclusive governance and sustainable development. By recognizing the importance of youth engagement, addressing challenges, and implementing actionable steps, Zimbabwe can harness the potential of their younger generation, creating a brighter future that reflects the aspirations and needs of all.

Fostering this collaboration is a shared responsibility, requiring commitment from policymakers, youth organisations, civil society, and communities at large. Together, we can build a country where the youth’s hand-in-hand with policymakers shapes a more prosperous and inclusive economy.

About the writer: Kaduwo is a researcher and economist. Contact: [email protected], WhatsApp +263773376128

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