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Covid-19 hits tourism sector again



JUST as Zimbabwe’s tourism sector, fabulous destinations and the diverse hospitality industry were beginning to slightly recover after the devastating impact of the first and second waves of the Covid-19 global pandemic – the third wave struck.


Another lockdown has been imposed and tourism once again is on the receiving end. One of the most affected tourist destinations in Zimbabwe is Kariba resort which in the northern reach of the country by the majestic Kariba Dam.

Kariba town lies in the northern border of the country with Zambia. It is a gateway to huge Lake Kariba, known for its houseboats, hippos and tiger fish.

In Kariba Heights, a lookout offers panoramic views of the lake. Nearby, the circular Chapel of Santa Barbara has a memorial to workers who died during the construction of the massive Kariba Dam in the 1950s.

Surrounding Kariba, the Charara Safari Area is home to elephants and buffalo. It also close to Bumi Hills, a group of hills and a luxury safari lodge in Mashonaland West province, situated on the hilly ground overlooking the southern shore of Lake Kariba. Kariba is also not too far from Mana Pools – a collection of islands, channels, sandbanks and oxbow lakes resulting in a wildlife-rich safari – in the far north of Zimbabwe.

It includes the south bank and islands of the Zambezi River, which forms the border with Zambia. The park is known for wildlife species found by the river and in the flood plains.

Large populations of elephants, hippos and Nile crocodiles gather at sunrise in the Long Pool. In the park’s south, lions and other predators always lie in wait for rich and diverse prey around waterholes.

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