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What Next For #ED2030 Campaigners?

What happens next will show if Mnangagwa really means it when he says he will retire in 2028 in line with the national constitution, or it was political doublespeak and deception?



After President Emmerson Mnangagwa said in Mutare yesterday that he will comply with the ruling Zanu PF and Zimbabwe constitutions, what will happen to the intensifying “ED2030” campaign for him to stay on unconstitutionally beyond 2028 to 2030?

Mnangagwa has not directly addressed that issue to clear the air, yet it is the biggest political issue confronting him and his party now.

If anything, he has been subtly encouraging it to a point of lining up senior party officials in Chikomba, Mashonaland East, recently to chant it under his supervision and tutelage.

The divisive campaign is mainly driven by his Masvingo and Midlands provincial loyalists who have been becoming more louder of late and bolder in the process as they have a vested interest in him remaining.

What happens next will show if Mnangagwa really means it when he says he will retire in 2028 in line with the national constitution, or it was political doublespeak and deception?

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