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War vets oppose ED2030 campaign

RESISTANCE to manoeuvres aimed at extending President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s tenure beyond his constitutionally mandated two terms is gathering momentum with war veterans from Bulawayo expressed disapproval of the “ED2030” campaign.




RESISTANCE to manoeuvres aimed at extending President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s tenure beyond his constitutionally mandated two terms is gathering momentum with war veterans from Bulawayo expressed disapproval of the “ED2030” campaign.

Mnangagwa’s two mandatory terms end in 2028, but his loyalists have embarked on a campaign to extend his term to 2030 under the guise that he should be allowed to complete his “Vision 2030” ambition of transforming Zimbabwe into an upper middle-income economy.

But opposition to the ED2030 campaign is intensifying, with the war veterans from the country’s second-largest city stating that their stance is in line with a recent Press release from the national chairperson of Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans’ Association ZNLWVA, Andrease Mathibela.

Mathibela is opposed to the ED2030 campaign.

“The ZNLWVA Bulawayo province hereby unanimously endorse the sentiments expressed in regards to the political landscape and concerns in the ongoing ED2030 campaign by a few misguided individual elements that are prone to an unconstitutional resolve,”reads the war veterans’ statement dated 10 October and co-signed by the war veterans’ Bulawayo chapter chairperson Dominic Mhlanga and his secretary-general, Mathias Mbambo.

“It is of paramount importance that these rogue elements be told that tampering with the constitution of the country is equal to tampering with the fundamentals of our liberation struggle. It badly affects the value of our pluralism.”

“The welfare of all our Zimbabweans that we pay allegiance to. It is also the ideals and freedoms of our democracy that guide us all. The freedom earned through immense sacrifice and struggle.

Let this be a reminder to all Zimbabweans to be vigilant and guard against any attempt to dilute these values by a selected few individuals just for their selfish interests, against the whole nation.”

The Bulawayo chapter of the war veterans said personal ambitions should not supersede national interests.

“The Presidential term extension must be put to rest. It is in the interest of our association and the nation at large that the focus must be shifted to the socio and economic fundamentals,” said the war veterans from Bulawayo in the statement.

“Zimbabweans are eager to find a solution to our currency. It boggles the mind to find some individuals advocating for the change of the constitution, which will further plunder national resources that maybe directed to the welfare of all Zimbabweans. We call upon all war veterans and citizens to unite and dialogue and uphold the legacy of our struggle of our Independence and social justice.”

Last week, the Harare province chapter of the ZNLWVA expressed strong opposition to Mnangagwa’s bid for a third term under the ED2030 agenda.

The province expressed its alignment with Mathibela’s criticism of the political direction in Zimbabwe and the concerns surrounding Mnangagwa’s extended stay in power.

“The declaration of opposition from our war veterans is not merely a political stance; it is a reflection of our commitment to the principles for which we fought during the liberation struggle,” read the statement issued by Martin Mbokochena, information and publicity secretary for ZNLWVA Harare province.

“Our allegiance lies with the welfare of the Zimbabwean people and the ideals of freedom and democracy that were earned through immense sacrifice and struggle. It is imperative that we remain vigilant against any attempts to dilute these values for the benefit of a select few.”

The war veterans highlighted concerns over the lack of firm action against proponents of the ED2030 agenda.

“It is our belief that silence on such critical issues equates to tacit approval and raises serious questions about the President’s commitment to the foundational principles of our revolution,” read the statement.

The former liberation war combatants said the country’s focus should be on addressing immediate socio-economic challenges rather than long-term political ambitions.

“As we reflect on the current economic hardships faced by our citizens—soaring prices and widespread poverty—it is evident that our focus must shift towards immediate and tangible solutions rather than speculative long-term plans,” said the war veterans.

There is growing debate over Zimbabwe’s political future and the direction of the nation’s leadership, amid a push by Mnangagwa’s loyalists to keep him in power.

However, a Zanu PF faction loyal to Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga is rabidly opposed to the plan.

The military has also been pushing back against the plot to extend Mnangagwa’s tenure.

