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Participants are pictured at the Rainbow Towers Hotel in Harare before the city bus tour (Credit: Viago)

Arts & Lifestyle

Viago Promotes Local Tourism with Heritage Tour



By Nathan Guma

INTERNATIONAL Travel club Viago and Rainbow Tourism Group subsidiary, Heritage Expeditions Africa, today held a tour of Zimbabwe’s capital city, Harare, as part of initiatives to promote local tourism and attract foreign visitors.

The tour, which was attended by several corporates and Viago members, explored Mbare, one of the city’s oldest suburbs, the Central Business District and Borrowdale’s Sam Levy Village.

One of the organisers of the tour from Viago, Henry Moyo, said that the club has been promoting tourism outside the country, but is now keen to promote local heritage sites, and other attractions to boost local tourism.

After the tour, Moyo told The NewsHawks: “The idea behind this is to show that people can enjoy their own local environment and tourist attractions; learn about your own history, heritage sites, culture and other things, for instance, simple stuff like what is the difference between streets and avenues in Harare.

“Avenues are lined up with trees, while streets have got only buildings. The trees form avenues. Simple things like that appear like trivia but are informative and educational.

“We are using hospitality to link and interconnect with other sectors to reap the tourism dividend.”

The tour was organised by Viago in collaboration with the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority in a bid to promote local tourism. It also involved partners like Edgar’s to showcase clothes and others like restaurants.

Moyo said already, there are some enthusiastic investors who want to take the concept and experience to Masvingo and other cities.

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