NOTING that Section 95(2)(b)of the Constitutionof Zimbabwe provides for a termof the President to be five (5)years running alongside the life of Parliament;
NOTING that Section 91(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwesets only two (2) terms for thePresident to hold officein Zimbabwe;
NOTING that Section 143(1)and Section 277(1)(a) set afive-year term for the life of Parliamentand Local Authority Representatives respectively which run concurrently with the term of the President;
FURTHER noting that Section328(7) of the Constitution creates a disability for elected officials of the governmenttobenefitfrom term limit extensions;
AND further noting that Section 328(6)(a) and (8) of theConstitution of Zimbabwe requirethat a referendum beheld for Constitutional amendments affecting termlimits and that separate referendums be held foramendments to Sections 328(6) and (7);
CONCERNED that the aforementioned constitutional provisions do not meet the current aspirationsof the people of Zimbabwe who would like to see the current national development trajectory continue under the leadership of His Excellency PresidentEmmerson DambudzoMnangagwa;
FURTHER concerned that theZimbabwe political landscapehasbeen plagued by toxicityand polarization, which call for a comprehensive electoral reform process, dialogue andconsensus by all the people of Zimbabwe;
RECOGNIZING efforts made by President Emmerson Mnangagwa to engage withall political players through the Political Actors Dialogue(POLAD), Churchesand other interested parties in charting a development oriented, peaceful and prosperous nation of Zimbabwe in addition to His Excellency’s inspirational philosophy “NYIKAINOVAKWANEVENE VAYO”;
CONSIDERING that politicalleadersfrom across the political divide represented in Parliament agree that now is thetime to heal, unite andcreate a formidable foundation for our democracy.
NOW THEREFORE calls upon the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs tobring before this Housefor itsapproval, a Constitutional Amendment Bill that seeks to amend:
(a) Section 95(b) ofthe Constitution of Zimbabwe to allow the term of the President to be extended by any period not exceeding 5 years as shall be determined by Parliament.
(b)Section 91(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe to allow Parliament with anoverwhelming majority to decide or determine anadditional period of time the President may continue to hold office at the expiry of his or her second term.
(c)Section 143 (1) and 158(1)(a) of the Constitution of Zimbawe to allow for the life of Parliament to be extended by such period Parliament maydetermine for the sake ofeconomic development,peace building and therestructuring of government including addition and abolition of government posts.
(d) Section 328 (7) to removeanydisability to continue tohold office the Constitution hascast upon office bearers in elected positions whenever a term extension is introduced.