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Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu arriving at Court 14


Chimombe, Mpofu to spend another night in prison

The duo was arrested yesterday morning at 1030 by the Zimbabwe Anti Corruption Commission.



Fraud accused, Zanu PF linked businessmen Moses Mpofu and Mike Chimombe have been remanded in custody to tomorrow for continuation of bail.

The leading investigating officer was not present as he was attending another a matter at the High Court.

The duo was arrested yesterday morning at 1030 by the Zimbabwe Anti Corruption Commission.

The state applied to place the duo on remand yesterday pending bail application today, and despite spirited efforts from the defense counsels, Magistrate Marehwanazvo Gofa ruled in favour of the state.

The aim is to prove that the two were not coming from home but from the custody of ZACC.

The duo is facing fraud allegations of USD7 million for abusing Presidential Goat scheme.

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