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Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu arriving at Court 14


Chimombe Mpofu seek trial postponment

They want to make a joint application for referral to Con Court. The state is not opposed.



Zimbabwean businessmen famous for thr #goatscandal, Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu, have sought a postponement of their trial to next week.

They want to make a joint application for referral to Con Court. The state is not opposed.

Witness Mabhaudhi for the State suggested that they make their application in writing.

The state will respond on the 15th. The court will reconvene on October 22.

“The accused will submit their application for referral to the Constitutional Court by Tuesday 8 October, the state will file its notice of opposition Monday 14 October 2024. Parties will therefore appear before this court on the 22th for argument of this case,” said Kwenda.

Meanwhile their trial will be broadcast live on ZimPapers Television Network👇

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