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AS Zimbabwe inches closer to the 2023 general election, the democratic space is narrowing as authoritarian rule takes a toll on the political opposition and civil...
THE dawn of 2022, January 24 to be precise, marked the birth of a new political party, the Citizens’ Coalition for Change, which has outdone itself...
MUSIC lovers seeking a night of fun will be spoilt for choice this festive season with several gigs lined up to end the year in style....
THERE may be concern about the dwindling volume of water in Lake Kariba, but tourism operators in the resort town are smiling this festive season. NHAU...
POWER outages are likely to cause a continual drop in platinum group metals (PGMs) production performance for South African holding company, Impala Platinum (Implats), which runs...
ZIMBABWE is experiencing one of its worst food insecurity seasons, with an estimated 5.6 million people trapped in hunger following rolling years of drought spells in...
ON Monday, Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee, chaired by Willias Madzimure, received evidence from Blinart (Private) Limited, the company that won a tender to supply 173 laptops...
WHILE government officials are touting the coming on board of Hwange Thermal Power Station unit 7, as well as power imports as immediate solutions to the...
FORMER Finance minister Tendai Biti has dismissed Energy minister Soda Zhemu’s claims that he will import 500 megawatts (MW) from the region to alleviate power shortages,...
THE International Monetary Fund (IMF) has demanded that the Zimbabwean government introduce more economic reforms, stop quasi-fiscal activities and phase out gold coins designed to provide...