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Activist’s wife arrested for holding placard

The Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (Artuz) says police have arrested the wife of its Harare province secretary-general Ronald Hondongwa who is detained together with former opposition minister Jameson Timba and 77 other activists.



The Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (Artuz) says police have arrested the wife of its Harare province secretary-general Ronald Hondongwa who is detained together with former opposition minister Jameson Timba and 77 other activists.

Mai Hondongwa is accused of holding a placard demanding the release of her husband.

She was arrested outside court were activists and family members of the detained were singing and demanding the release of their loved ones.

Hondongwa is a teacher with a disability and he is enduring a torrid time in prison. “He can’t eat or bath without assistance from his wife,” Artuz says.

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