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Parties should be organised: Coltart

“All political parties need to concentrate on policy formulation and their own efficient, democratic organisation.



As Zimbabwe searches for new politics based on ideas and issues compared to a focus on slogans and singing at the expense of substance, away from personality cults and big man leadership, Bulawayo mayor David Coltart says political parties should be organised, run and controlled efficiently like businesses to ensure that when they come to power they manage government and public affairs properly.

Writing on social media, Coltart said: “It is time for Zimbabwean political parties to wean themselves off slogans, clothing with pictures of leaders’ faces worn on women’s bottoms and a fixation on individuals over parties as institutions.

“If Zimbabwe is to progress political parties need to be run like efficient businesses.

“All political parties need to concentrate on policy formulation and their own efficient, democratic organisation.

“Only in this way can parties demonstrate that they are fit to run the complex government of Zimbabwe. All the most efficient countries in the world are run by efficient parties who focus on their respective clearly laid out policies. We cannot hope to transform Zimbabwe if we do anything less.”

Zimbabwean political parties are dominated by personality cults.

A cult of personality arises when a leader is represented as larger-than-life through imagery and words of fawning praises and flattery.

Propaganda is a common vehicle used to help create personality cults.

Leaders are often depicted as superhuman, courageous, wise, and incapable of error.

If a leader is viewed as god-like, followers usually do not criticise or question their policies or challenge their power. Zimbabwe has a serious leadership crisis.

Leading inspires and empowers the people to dream and pursue a preferable future.

Leaders do not get people to work with them by controlling or coercing.

They inspire people to want to do things that will make their futures better.

And the leader comes alongside them and shows them the way and how.

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