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LSZ clears Advocate Keith Kachambwa



THE Law Society of Zimbabwe (LSZ) has determined the complaint made by the late businessman Chemist Siziba against prominent lawyer Advocate Keith Kachambwa, finding there was no act of unprofessional conduct he committed.

Siziba had lodged a complaint with the LSZ on 12 May 2022 alleging that Kachambwa had consented to an order without his knowledge.

 The order by consent related to a special plea which was set down for argument at commencement of trial.

In his written response, Kachambwa denied the allegation. He indicated that the order by consent was entered into with the knowledge and agreement of Siziba.

 He attached documents and affidavits from lawyers present at the hearing, including the instructing attorney Chenaimoyo Gumiro and Advocate Firoz Girash who appeared for one of the parties in the matter. They both confirmed that Siziba was present at the hearing and agreed to the order by consent.

After due process had been carried out, the LSZ considered the complaint at a council meeting held on 4 April 2024 and found not merit in the complaint.

It decided that despite Siziba’s claim that the order was granted without his knowledge and that he only became aware of the order at trial, he did not complain or seek rescission of the order before the same trial judge who granted the order.

Instead, he chose to comply with the order by consent and continued with the main trial despite knowledge of the order by consent.

The Law Society further found that Siziba failed to substantiate the allegation of unprofessional conduct and dismissed the complaint against Advocate Kachambwa.-STAFF WRITER

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