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WHILE the Zimbabwean government says it has taken measures to freeze accounts of the gold mafia and investigate the gold smuggling, money laundering and corruption, one...
MEDIA groups have petitioned Parliament over the recent threats against journalists by President Emmerson Mangagwa’s spokesperson George Charamba (pictured) for reporting on corruption, abuse of diplomatic...
KUWADZANA East legislator Chalton Hwende this week in Parliament cranked up pressure on the government to arrest President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Ambassador-at-Large to Europe and the Americas...
…Zim glitterati Danielle and Nigerian husband wanted for drug trafficking THEIR marriage ceremony at The Nest, an upmarket and exclusive venue in Harare, was dubbed wedding-of-the-year...
WHILE the common belief is that property rights are the key to overcoming poverty, especially in the developing world, a new study by the Institute for...
MOST workers are singing the blues this Easter holiday, unable to purchase basic commodities due to low disposable incomes, unions say. NATHAN GUMA The unions insist...
WHEN Marjorie Mutemererwa left Seed Co. Ltd last year after some years of dedicated and long service where she was public relations and special programmes manager,...
THE Easter holidays have seen the Christian community increasing local tourism revenue, Zimbabwe Tourism Authority head of corporate affairs, Godfrey Koti, has said. RUVIMBO MUCHENJE Koti...
AS political activities heighten ahead of this year’s general elections, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has defended its bans on some political gatherings, saying such decisions...
OVER 100 years ago, German sociologist Max Weber in his lecture “Politics as a Vocation” (1918), defined the state as a “human community that (successfully) claims the...