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ZIMBABWE’S currency volatility —manifested in the dramatic depreciation of the Zimdollar and a wave of price increases — has prompted local companies to ditch the dual...
BOTSWANA is scouting for business opportunities in Zimbabwe as the diamond producer seeks to become a regional financial hub, officials from Gaborone have said. BERNARD MPOFU...
ZIMBABWE’S organised manufacturing sector lobby group says delays by the Reserve Bank in releasing key statistics on money supply growth for May has fuelled speculation on...
THE Insurance and Pensions Commission (Ipec) will move to enforce rules on the non- payment of pension contributions by employers, following the promulgation of the new...
THE relocation of apparel retailer Edgars head office from Bulawayo to Harare is set to damage Zimbabwe’s second-largest city’s reputation as the once buoyant industrial hub,...
AGRO-industrial concern Seed Co says low interest rates in Botswana helped the business grow its regional footprint and more than double revenue in just over a...
NICK DONOVAN Well-funded legal assaults and public relations should not suppress a free Press… and will not make the tough questions vanish. IN an unprecedented attack...
ROMAN GRYNBERG/FWASA K. SINGOGO The Goldenberg scandal in the early 1990s is Kenya’s largest documented gold fraud. The scheme involved Goldenberg International Limited, which pretended to export gold...
RESEARCH AND ADVOCACY UNIT (RAU) Introduction THE elections in 2018 can only be described as deeply disappointing for the women’s movement and its attempt to manifest...
JUST like the Zimbabwe dollar which is receiving end-of-life-care, the Argentinian peso has joined its twin and dollarisation in Argentina is now imminent. Over the past...